Saturday, August 6, 2011

Our Federal Government is ruining America

  "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."  ~ Abraham Lincoln
  I hate to say it but,   I am really getting a strong dislike for our Federal Government. Love this nation, just hate the Elected Officals we currently have.
   Forced Healthcare, wasted tax dollars, and now we have lost our AAA credit rating because of  the Circus show around the Debt Ceiling Debate. Did ya`ll know that the USA has been able to keep a AAA rating since 1917! But here we are in 2011 downgraded...Which makes me wonder how bad things are going to get?

 Here is what I think needs to occur;
     The government needs to be put in check. Their careless spending, forced Federal programs, childish behavior are major problems that we the american people will in the end have to pay for... We need wise Adults that understand the Amercian way. People that can relate to the needs and desires of the American people, that are NOT  in office just for their own personal gain!
                                       Greedy, Crooked Idiots have almost ruined this Great Nation!

   I really hope everyone recalls the actions or lack of action, which ever concerns you when it is time to vote again. The people that have caused this Nation to fall into the shape it is in now, should be removed from public office, and I hope never allowed to return.

                                                                   Robert A Papoi

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