The typical american family is currently living paycheck to paycheck and doesn’t have much in the lines of savings to fall back on. So if someone in the family gets sick and cant work, they will not have the money to pay their monthly bills. Getting sick is just one of many worries a normal amercian family has today...another major concern is; What if the family car was to break down and they had to spend $1,000 on parts to fix it? That would put them into a tight spot too. Do they buy the parts, so they can fix their car, so they will be able to go to work or should they buy food, pay rent and/or pay for their other needs?
Quite frankly. American's has no savings…just credit cards!
Our Federal Government is currently operating in the same manner. Paycheck to Paycheck! Borrowing on credit and racking up the debt. There are ways to correct this. We the voting public needs to vote for people that are more in tune with us the American people. People that have a firm grasp on what made America great and will work for a better tomorrow.... because I feel America can be made Great once again! But it will take some work to undo the damage.
I personally think we need to reduce careless spending, stop fighting wars we can't win, but my all time favorite; cut salaries to those those overpaid Elected Officals that have caused this mess.
Let's just tax Big Business!
. Obama calmly asking "Big Business" to pay higher taxes is the same as raising taxes on the lower and middle class, because they are the ones that buy products produced by big business. Simply put, any taxes added to companies is directly carried over to the product. So if we put a $.10 tax on a gallon of milk, milk companies will have to raise the cost of milk at least 10 cent to cover cost. Then if they have to do more paperwork or pay filing fee the final cost might go up a penny or two more to cover their operating cost. So in the end any "TAX" on business' is a tax put on the American people.
I do NOT want to see our elderly and disabled to be hit with this tax. Just the fact Obama told them they need to chip in and buckle down when they have to scrap the bottom of the barrel every month just to survive is an outrage! Obama has no idea what it is like to live when you only have a limited monthly income.
Please try to remember all the Chaos caused by Obama during his term. Failed Bail out plan, Debt Ceiling Debate that not only damaged the US Economy, but the Global Marketplace and of course that Damn Healthcare Bill when you vote in 2012!
Robert A. Papoi