Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Stock Market for Dummies.

I don't invest my money in the Stock Market...
I have never really understood how the stock market works. But...If I am correct; You are suppose to invest your hard earned money, semi-blindly into a company you have never been to, only heard about- all in hopes of making a huge profits over time.
Would it not be better to just drive to a nice casino and play the slot machines? I mean at least at a Casino I get free drinks,get to see pretty lights and listen to cool background noise, while I am trying to strike it rich.
  In case you haven't already noticed. I don't invest my money in the stock market. The main reason is because I have no control over it once I invest, well other than to buy or sell. Now if I could determine how the company is run and where the profits are placed...Yea! I would give the Stock Market a shot. But currently my view is "If I buy something, I should have it in hand when I pay for it." 
  Maybe if more American People invested their money wisely our nation would NOT be in the shape it is today. Only spend your money on items that retain their value or that you really need.
  Investing made Simple!
Why are so many people more willing to invest in the Stock market than in themselves? Do they not believe in themselves or is it because of  Government Brainwashing? Must be brainwashing. We are led to believe that the best place to invest our hard earned money is in the stock market. All those late night TV ads, online ads/website, and of course the media is always talking about how great the Stock Market. Well it was until it crashed a few days ago.
    Here is a great tip; If you really want to invest in something. Invest in yourself! Learn a trade, get a degree, then get a job. The main thing is to learn marketable job skills. The more skills you have, the more dependable you prove that are, the less likely you will be unemployed. But even then it could occur, but being able to work in different fields - will gives you more choices of employment. So the downtime between Job should be less than less educated people.
   My next investment tip; Buy some land and a house! Land is in limited supply. Sure-sure there is always land for sale , but they ain't making anymore of it!  If enough people realize that Land is such a great investment. I fear land prices will go back up quickly. Even as we are only part-way thru the recovery process of the housing market crash...
Odd isnt it? Every single Market group our Federal Government has "Helped" has crashed due to poor money management.
                                                                                    Robert A Papoi