Friday, August 12, 2011

Evil Electronic Bingo Machines!

 Electronic Bingo

   I feel the reason we don't have Electronic Bingo in Alabama is because of an ex-Governor, Bob Riley. Because of him, the State of Alabama has not been able to pass an electronic bingo bill, but we almost did!

 I don't know if you have been keeping up with this or not, but those bingo hall raids started at about the same time a Mississippi Choctaw casino was laying off some employees. Odd timing, or did that Casino owner realize that the electronic Bingo halls in Alabama was starting to ruin his casino profits. So I assume he realized that something had to be done. So action had to be taken!

 That action ended up being in the form of Alabama Gov. Bob Riley. Quite frankly, I feel that Mr. Riley decided that selling out the very people that elected him was the best course of action,for what I can only assume is his wallet.  Why else would he have mounted such a strong campaign to shut down all the electronic bingo halls in Alabama? Alabma people didn't want those Bingo halls shut down. They were happy working, making good money and the ones playing were even more joyful with these places. Another thing- there was Alabama Tax dollars being collected at a pretty steady rate. So to me it makes no sense to shut them down unless your making  bigger profits somewhere else.

 Alabama Takes action to Pass a Bingo Bill

Now...What added insult to injury was when it looked like the Alabama Legislators were going to be able to pass an Electronic Bingo Bill. That would make these bingo halls legal and stop Riley's task force dead in its tracks. So when Bob Riley got scared that he was going to have egg onhis face, he called in the Federal Government to stop the whole legal process around the Bingo bill.
  Which I personally think Mr. Riley's comments to the Government were based on half-truths and flat out lies, but it was enough to stop the Electronic Bingo Bill from being able to pass.

 That phone call was enough to caused certain people to be arrested. So they were put on trial and force them to defend themselves. I personally feel they were honestly working hard to provide the people of Alabama with what we wanted. I was happy to see that our Federal Government failed to convict any of them. I really hope this case dies off now and we can focus on other problems within this state.

Casino Bus Ride

 How many of you ride the Buses provided so you can have a cheap, yet safe ride to the Casino's in another state?
  I asked about it today and found out that here in the Gadsden area there is at least 10 bus that will be rolling out of this area today at different times. (That does NOT include the buses that park outside of this general area.)

  When I checked on the prices, they were supper low. Some even offer free buffet's, gane credits or other "gifts" for the ones that ride often. Now if you are a first time rider, well you get bonus perks for riding with them to the casino... WooooHooooo!
  Hold -on-Here is the thing. These casino's are raking in our hard earned money hand over fist! That is why they are sending bus after bus to this area. It has to be very profitable for them to do so. That should tell you something, since fuel cost is close to $4 a gallon and they are still making a profit. So Yea, there is alot of money to be made in a Casino's or E-bingo halls...

We REALLY Need a People's Vote!

  I think Mr. Riley realized that if the people of this state was allowed to vote on this subject matter. Alabama would have electronic bingo and that would ruin Bob Riley's bank account! I don't for one minute think it had to do with religion, since alot of paper bingo halls have some Christian group that either run, supported or gets some of the charitable monies paid out by that Bingo Hall.
We all know that the paper Bingo Halls are suppose to,by law pay out a percentage to charities . Some of these Bingo halls pay out just enough to be legal the rest is retained as profits for the Bingo Hall owner. But if you throw in the Church Card here in Alabama it that happens to be just as powerful as the race card. People will rally together to prove they are Good Christians and Hate those Damn Evil E-Bingo machines...

I am not even sure what pisses me off the most. It is either the amount of Alabama State Trooper man hours wasted on Bingo Raids when they should of been on the Highways of this state or the huge bill the Alabama tax payers are being stuck with when the dust settles!  We have Truck rentals, State Troopers pay, fuel cost for their cars, and I am sure we racked up some major legal fee-even thou the Federal Government was the one that took them to court in the end. Which is wasted Federal Tax! So we got billed once again.

 I get so pissed off with see our tax dollars wasted time and time again over stupid things. The people of Alabama should of had a right to vote on this matter. All this wasted money, resources, and state employees time could of been saved by allowing a people's vote.

                                                                           Robert A. Papoi


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