Monday, August 8, 2011

Second recession? I didn’t know the first one ended.

   I must confess, I'm not really sure what the point of this Blog is. We all know how bad our financial problems are.
   Explaining it as Simple as I can - Our Federal Government is Broken and they have spent our money unwisely!  Our Federal Government has been paying out more than it has been taken in for quite some time. Then our Federal Government took out Mega Loans in hopes of being able to 'Jump Start' the economy, and well...quite frankly that Bail-out plan of Obama's totally failed. Which is bad enough in its own right! Now that money is all spent, carelessly wasted and a we are left holding the tab!
  Then after all that bail out money was spent and gone, we dont have enough money on hand to pay our nations bills. So we have to rush to raise the debt ceiling. Well that questionable Debt Ceiling bill almost came down to the last minute before the Federal Government quit acting childish long enough to pass a stop gap bill. So because of that Pony Show, along with a weak global economy, our nation got knocked down a peg on our Credit Rating. Which I personally think is fair...but that will be another blog-maybe.

 Our problem today is that one little notch down on the credit scale has set off a Stock-Selling Panic. Not just our stock market mind you, but since we are tied to the hip to the world's set off a ripple effect worldwide! People are in a panic.  Hell, I started to Panic when I realize Obama won. I honestly thought our Federal Government would NOT allow that cursed Healthcare or that crazy Bail out Plan to pass.So yea,  I have been Shocked over and over again during the last two and a half years Obama has been in office.

  These programs were NOT  what the American people needed. Okay yea-I do realize that alot of people chanted mindlessly that they wanted these programs, but most of those that wanted it, have no idea that in the end their children or grandchildren will be paying our bill. They really think the Federal Government is paying for things. They really don't seem to understand that the Government is spending tax money and running up a tab on our credit (Debt), which is our money-Plain and Simple!

  Just today I overheard an eldery gentleman say " the total collapse of the economy within the next couple of months-be ready"

  His words sorta made me wonder. Am I really ready? Should I load up on can goods? Gather enough seeds for a big garden, stock up on ammo, water and fuel? Has America got to that point?  If not today...I fear if Obama is allowed a second term. It will get that bad and then worse!

                                                                                    Robert A. Papoi